Another proof of the power that our company has in hardware design.
KNX-based nurse call system designed from scratch to work with Ericsson call center
The patient has a button on his bed (all GDS development electronics) which has two membrane type keys (GDS design with hospital logo)
With one he controls the lighting above his bed in 3 levels (the lighting control unit also of GDS design) and with the other he calls the nurse.
With the call, the visual indications in the room and in the sister’s position are activated while at the same time, a call is made through the call center and the patient can talk through an open conversation with the team of nurses who are responsible for his ward.
All the components of the system were designed (wall confirmation button, WC button, pendulum imaging unit at sister position). Recording events in a database
A system for receiving and distributing terrestrial and satellite signals was installed throughout the hospital and the relevant arrangements were made.
A system of announcements and presentations with flat screens has been installed, which can present either the same content all together, or each one independently